Market trends

Observability survey

Survey results: An update from the cloud-native community

To get an update from the cloud-native community, we talked to experts during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022, questioning them about their thoughts on Kubernetes, Prometheus and observability. Read the insightful survey results that painted an interesting picture of the current state of cloud-native technologies.

Cloud native community survey

A look back at the cloud-native community in 2021

As a proud CNCF member, the past 12 months have been eventful for NexClipper, and with the Cloud-Native Computing Federation publishing its annual report just in time for the new year, this marks the perfect opportunity to take a moment and look back at what 2021 brought for the community.

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Survey results: Where the observability journey should head next

While visiting KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America last month, we found that with the rapid adoption of microservice architectures cloud-native observability is on everyone’s mind. So, we conducted a survey among attendees to find out where the journey of observability solutions should head next. Read our new article to learn about the interesting results and responses we received from industry experts!